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  • buenaferudilyn

From Teaching to Freelancing

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

I have once dreamed of becoming a teacher. And a teacher I have been. Never did I know that it will take so much of my life. The life I was supposed to enjoy. The life I was supposed to spend with my family. And the dream of a happy career ended up full of anxiety.

From teaching to Freelancing

The Drawback in my Teaching Career

I treasure the joy of teaching my students. I have learned so much from teaching them. However, I constantly battle with stress and uncertainty. A career that was supposed to give me financial stability only gives me uncertainty. A career that was supposed to provide me and my family financial security only added up to my day-to-day worries. Well, life is sometimes uncertain. Who among us knows what will happen tomorrow? However, I grew up with the perception that once I become a professional, somehow my life - especially when it comes to finances - will never be so much hard (somehow life will change a little). But it was the other way around. Since I have been working as a teacher, I was not able to focus in taking care and rearing my children (something that I treasured most). Everyday I went home tired and don't have enough energy (there are still tons of paper works to do!) to play with the kids, to do household chores, to enjoy my time with family, and most especially to fully enjoy my ministry.

It wasn't easy to give up something that I love to do (teaching the students). But I gradually lost the eagerness and the passion I once had in my career. And so, I decided to opt for another career. To nurture my heart, to rejuvenate my body, to invigorate my mind, and to revive my spirit.

Starting up a Freelancing Career

One of the best definitions that I like about freelancing is: "a freelance job is one where a person works for themselves, rather than for a company." This reminds me not to neglect myself whenever I am working though I need to satisfy my clients. Freelancing gives me a sense of freedom. It exposed me to a new world not enclosed in just four corners of a classroom/school. It gives me the freedom to explore more of the world. It somehow quenches my thirst for learning and it helps me develop skills I thought I never had. I enjoyed the feeling of being creative in making portfolios for my freelancing job as an academic admin assistant. The environment I have been exposed to through learning this course gives me an optimistic view of life and to never dwell in negative thoughts.

Of all the things I've learned in venturing into a freelancing career is that: I wasn't supposed to work for my future, because Jehovah God has already built it for me. This line I have learned from my coach had created a big impact and made me reassess myself and ponder on my WHY's. It had also shown me not to live a life full of worries instead appreciate the beauty of life. Something I have forgotten because I was too busy with my teaching career so that I can provide for my family.

Once, I promised myself that if I will have even a slight chance to change my career, I will grab any opportunity that will come along. And I am glad I did!

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